Warm up footing is grass. Outside arena is 20m x 60m. Sand-fine gravel footing. Schooling permitted the day before but not the day of competition. Classes will be held Sunday, May 24, 1998. The order the tests are printed is not necessarily the order they will be ridden.
Mekussa Ash
Myron Bacon
Dressage Advisor:
Jackie Luebke-Puetz (920) 693-3367
Entry fee: $15.00--entries close May 1,
1998. No post entries.
Qualifying fee: $8.00--in addition to the
entry fee.
Please include a self-addressed postcard to have
your times sent.
Times and scores will be posted in the Show Office.
Trophy and 6 ribbons awarded in each regular
Certificate awarded if qualifying score obtained
in USDF Regional classess.
Payback: $20, $15, $10, $5 for regular
Please consult your premium list for the 1998 show fees for everything else.
Class Sponsorships: $25.00 (will keep this